Neutral Zone – Men's
In-Depth Amateur Scouting Coverage and Rankings


Quebec M17 AAA: Two Games – 20 Players Evaluated

Neutral Zone was in attendance for two Quebec M17 AAA games which included Lac St-Louis Lions Black M17 AAA @ Marie-Rivier Canimex M17 AAA on March 29, 2024, and Richelieu Gaulois M17 AAA @ Triolet Harfangs M17 AAA on March 29, 2024. Each player below has been given a grade based solely on their performance at this event and not an overall indication of the players' upside or ability.

Lac St-Louis Lions Black M17 AAA @ Marie-Rivier Caminex M17 AAA - March 29, 2024

It was a one-way match-up, with Canimex dominating from start to . . .

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