Neutral Zone – Women's
In-Depth Amateur Scouting Coverage and Rankings


2023-2024 NEPSAC Season

Our scouts traveled all around New England to cover nearly every prep team at least once. Reports are based solely on play from this year. Reports are also organized by school in alphabetical and descending letter grade order. Congratulations to New Hampton, BB&N and Nobles for there championship victories!


Molly Boyle #17 (Phillips Andover Academy, D, 2025, Yale) : Molly is a taller defender who moves very well and has great edges that allow her to command up the ice and set the pace of the game. She is quick and explosive which aids her in walking the line in the offensive zone and jump deep into the zone to give her teammates another scoring threat. She is smart with the puck and is creative to use the boards in making sure the puck is away from the opposition. Her quick passes make her a great power play QB and she is a scoring threat with her accurate shots towards goal. Grade: A+

Caroline Averill #16 (Phillips Andover Academy, F, 2026) : Caroline is so strong on her feet and can handle the physical game well. Her high pace of play makes her dominant on the ice and she likes to move the puck swiftly to teammates and waste no time to give more time and space. Her quick hands really help her shooting and put her in open ice to let off her impressive release that always has a chance of finding the back of the net. Grade: A

Sarah Powers #10 (Phillips Andover Academy, F, 2026) : Fast, well balanced skater who is relentless on the puck. Physically fit as she goes hard each shift playing a 100′ game. Works hard without the puck to get open continually. Hunts the puck with tenacity. Handles the puck well. Passes puck w accuracy and proper touch. Edges are excellent. Grade: A-

Peyton Kennedy #9 (Phillips Andover Academy, F, 2025) : Peyton is a workhorse that really sets the tone for her team. She leads by example and gives it her absolute all when she is on the ice. She matches her gritty game with good skill and possesses the puck well to confidently enter the offensive zone and move the puck to teammates. We also like her game along the boards and does a good job of freeing up pucks. Grade: B+

Maggie Averill #11 (Phillips Andover Academy, D, 2027) : Responsible defenseman who thinks D first. Taller, strong, well trained defenseman. Crafty and deceptive with the puck who plays poised under pressure. Has the puck skill to play at full tilt or can grind it out in traffic. Scored a beautiful goal on a snap shot from the point, displaying a hard, accurate shot. Grade: B+

Sarah Lackley #27 (Phillips Andover Academy, D, 2025) : Sarah is a consistent low risk defender who manages the puck real well. She makes simple passes which hit tape to tape and is not afraid to hit the high glass if she does not see an open player. She skates well and can take ice if she needs more time to make decisions. Grade: B+

Emily Mara #12 (Phillips Andover Academy, F, 2025) : Emily is a scrappy forward who does her best work along the boards and in front of the net. She gets a lot of time on the power play and for good reason because of her commitment to screen goalies and dig at rebounds in front of the goalie. She is good on her face offs and can really snap them back at times where they need a win. Her board play is also strong and helps get pucks to the slot which result in goals for her team. Grade: B+

Keira Bruen #14 (Phillips Andover Academy, F, 2025) : Tall, smart, strong skating winger. Plays a strong game in all 3 zones and is consistently working hard each shift. Moves to open ice are creative and deceptive. Matured year over previous year to become a better player. Hard working in all 3 zones and is very responsible in her playmaking. Plays strong along the wall and wants to win 50/50 battles. Covers well in D zone. Grade: B

Corinne Spade #26 (Phillips Andover Academy, D, 2026) : Smooth skating defenseman with excellent transitional footwork stands out immediately. Soft, quick hands and fundamentally sound with or without the puck. Anticipation is very good and keeps active in the O zone to make herself an available outlet. Very smart player in all 3 zones. Keeps her shot low from the point. Cuts on a dime w the puck. Grade: B

Austin Prep 

Maddie Vittands #20 (Austin Prep, F, 2024, Merrimack) : Maddie is a quick player who uses her edges to pinball around the ice. She handles the puck very well and keeps her head up to move the puck to her teammates strongly. She is also good defensively and makes sure she covers the middle of the ice. Grade: B+

Brooke Brennan #4 (Austin Prep, D, 2024) : Situationally sound in all 3 zones. Keeps tight gaps and good leverage positioning when in reverse. Keeps her eyes moving to fill defensive voids evident during play. Very good footwork and pivots with ease. When pressured she will not turn the puck over easily. Makes smart headman plays and passes accurately, with correct tempo. Grade: B+

Sarah Sampson #14 (Austin Prep, F, 2026) : Evident she knows her assignments and plays the coach’s system well. Well balanced, fast w quick feet. Keeps up with the pace of the game easily. High IQ. F1 and F2 she is trustworthy to make the right reads. Keeps her feet moving most shifts. Confident with the puck and has good hands to make most plays. Wants to win puck battles. Good body language and vocal on the ice. Grade: B+

Faith Steiner #18 (Austin Prep, F, 2025) : Faith is a strong player who has great board play and wins her battles. She is a skilled player who can find the back of the net by having an act to hound and crash the net to make herself a strong passing option. Every game we have seen she scored and we would not be surprised to continue to see consistent scoring. Grade: B

Gianna McCusker #1 (Austin Prep, G, 2024) : Gianna is a good goalie who covers the net and the angles very well. She always keeps her team in games and she comes up with the right save when her team needs it the most. Grade: B 

Adia Murphy #7 (Austin Prep, F) : Energy player with strong skating skills. Well positioned in most situations. Thinks smart and quick. Takes proper attack angles at F1 and F2 and disrupts play with her tenacity. Showed a physical presence boxing out in the D zone. Knows her role as a younger player and plays within her capabilities not to get caught out of position or out too long on a shift. PK was well positioned and aggressive which disrupted the opponent on several occasions. Grade: B

Kayleigh Norton #2 (Austin Prep, F, 2027) : Fast, fluid, well balanced skater. Smaller in stature but is young and still maturing. Plenty of upside to her game as she is well positioned and responsible in all 3 zones. Stick Handles well and shows very soft hands in pressure situations. Poised. Good in tight quarters. Strong willed and determined. Grade: B


Emi Biotti #15 (BB&N, D, 2025) : Taller gal who is strong at skating, possesses a high IQ and is confident in all 3 zones. Poised with the puck and making smart decisions. Excellent passer who has vision and poise. Plays hard every shift. Balanced skater, excellent transitional footwork from F to B. Likes to join the rush to gain offensive leverage. Grade: A

Brenna O’Reilly #24 (BB&N, D, 2025) : Taller, strong skating, disciplined player who was noticeable each shift. A difference maker with good hands. Stick Handles well up ice and in tight. Solid defender who plays 1 on 1s perfectly. Keeps proper gaps and did not get beat in the game we scouted her. Good in reverse. Good footwork in transition and follows play up ice with purpose. Grade: B+

Kate Glantz #16 (BB&N, F, 2027) : Kills penalties, hustles every shift. Drives hard to the net and was in the goalies grill the whole game. Plays fast and is smart with her choices. Wins 50/50s w smarts along the wall. Determined player. Grade: B

Lexi Mara #19 (BB&N, D, 2025) : Tall, good length, good puck moving defenseman. Moves impressively well for a taller gal. Creative with the puck. Passes crisp and accurate when needed. Follows play up ice quickly with diligence. Wants to be a difference maker with her play style. Showed a good, hard, accurate shot. Plays the body rather than doing a fly-by. Grade: B


Emma McGowan #10 (Berkshire School, F, 2024, Yale) : An excellent skater that uses her edges effectively in transition. She uses her speed to be a strong forechecker and backchecker. She has good hands and can make plays in tight areas. She has good vision and reads the play effectively with and without the puck. Grade: A-

Adriana Echavarria #14 (Berkshire School, D, 2025) : Outstanding, agile, effortless skater who is very fast. Excellent edges and transitional footwork both with and without the puck. Competes at a high level and is a very creative playmaker. Grade: B+ 

Isabel Hurkala #19 (Berkshire School, D, 2025) : Well balanced skater with nice transitional footwork. Strong defensively, knows her coverage assignments and is seemingly always in good position. Sees the whole ice when possessing the puck. Headsman’s without hesitation catching napping defenders flatfooted. Makes accurate breakout passes and keeps her shot on net in the O zone. Grade: B+ 

Emma Leahy #15 (Berkshire School, D, 2025) : Technically sound defender. Excellent backwards skater w very smooth transitions F to Back. Easily keeps pace with oncoming rush in reverse and keeps proper pace and gap control. High IQ player that handles puck very well and can make any pass needed to compete. Pivots quickly and transitions with puck up ice with control and confidence. Could help her game if she develops longer stride length and top end speed. Grade: B+

Brooke Eselunas #9 (Berkshire School, F, 2024) : Crafty, creative center who is strong in the dot. Thinks the game one step ahead. Nice anticipation skills. Fast, well balanced skater with quick first 3 steps. Good at F1 and F2. When she gets the puck in the OZ she wants to score and is always in good position. Grade: B

Victoria Tesoro #23 (Berkshire School, F) : High motor, highly skilled forward. Fast skater, good edges and well balanced with quick feet. Has a high IQ and good sense of where she is supposed to be on the ice at that moment. Pressures play with speed and tenacity. Takes proper angles of attack. Very good hands. Accurate passer with head up style. Stick Handles well and can go full speed easily with the puck. Thinks the game quick and reacts instinctually. Grade: B

Katie Hurley #30 (Berkshire School, G) : Katie has a good glove hand and covers the bottom of the net very well in traffic. She gets to the top of the crease and her depth control is exceptional when challenging the shooter. She follows the play well and is not afraid to leave the crease to play the puck in order to help her D. Grade: B


Grace Inoue #8 (Brewster Academy, F, 2023) : Grace is a good skater with good stick skills who can confidently take the puck up ice and find time and space. She is hungry to create offense and really is willing to go to the dirty areas of the ice. What we mean by that is she was hard in the corners and established herself well in front of the net to screen the goalie and bang home rebounds. Grade: B+

Grace Matthews #17 (Brewster Academy, F, 2024, Arcadia University) : Grace is a smart forward who plays with a high motor. Her pace of play is high and she plays her position well with good defensive coverages and supporting the puck. She has good speed off and on the puck and has a big impact on the ice. Grade: B


Bella Hacker #14 (Brooks School, F, 2024, William Smith) : Bella is a forward who helps drive her team’s offense. She is best when the puck is on her stick. She handles the puck well and is a good skater who competes each and every shift. When she is skating up ice she wants to get pucks into the offensive zone and get shots on. Grade: B+

Kyleigh Matola #30 (Brooks School, G, 2025) : Kyleigh is a smaller goalie but mighty. She keeps her team in games by being square to pucks and flashing the leather when needed. She moves well in her crease and handles her rebounds well. Grade: B+

Bella Mondolfi #5 (Brooks School, F, 2025) : Bella is a good skating forward who has good edges that allow her to motor around the ice. She handles the puck well to possess the puck and make good strong passess to create offense and zone time. Grade: B

Kylie Correa #17 (Brooks School, D, 2024) : Kylie is a no risk defender who puts pucks in the right spot to decrease turnovers and odd man rushes. She is a poised passer who looks for the right play instead of maybe the first one she sees. She has good edges that allow her to move well and play a lot of minutes. Grade: B 

Addy Peel #11 (Brooks School, D, 2026) : Addy is a taller defender who brings her compete in each shift. She helps clear pucks out of dangerous areas and defends her goalie and the net well. She is good with the puck and will move it up ice to make good passes out of the zone. Grade: B

Lauren DuBarry #18 (Brooks School, D, 2026) : Lauren is a player who when she is cooking she can be quite the force. She can streak up ice with good pace and confidence that allow her to get good chances towards the net. When she is not rushing up ice she makes the simple passes well and along the boards battles hard and wants to win pucks. Grade: B


Madison Twombly #17 (Cushing Academy, C, 2024, William Smith) : Smart, High IQ player who is responsible for her commitment to play in all 3 zones. Both NZ and DZ makes smart decisions after turnovers. Head up puck carrier and passer who is deceptive in her puck moving. Moves well and has good edges with or w/out the puck. Easily transitions F to Back to flow with the play developing. Passes with touch and is very accurate with her hard shot. Really good burst to close gaps and keeps tight gaps in reverse. Grade: B+

Courtney Lilley #19 (Cushing Academy, F, 2024, UNH) : Courtney is a smooth skating forward who plays her best game when she is grinding out each shift along the boards and helping win battles. She handles the puck well but we like how she plays with bite. She keeps her feet moving and can occasionally break away for a 1 on 1 with the goalie. Grade: B+

Molly Bardol #11 (Cushing Academy, F, 2027) : Molly is a young high IQ player who has nice potential. She is a taller player who is confident to move the puck through the middle of the ice and get quality shots on net. Her awareness to play defensive and support pucks is high and makes her a threat all over the ice. Grade: B+

Lyla Rahn #12 (Cushing Academy, F, 2026) : Lyla is a forward who handles the puck well and likes to make plays towards the net. When she has the chance she gets shots on goal she will take it. When liked her play in the corners and when she has possession she will explode out of the corner and make a strong drive towards the net. Grade: B

Taylor Buckley #18 (Cushing Academy, D, 2025) : Taller gal with good length who uses her size effectively. Uses her length to get to loose pucks and control the battle. Sees the ice well with the puck and makes wise decisions. Passes with touch and tempo. Good hands help her create easily and smoothly. Grade: B

Julia Lambert #27 (Cushing Academy, F, 2026) : Julia is a skilled player with good hands and a good shot. She is best with the puck on her stick to get shots towards the net. Her skating is also strong and is very balanced. Grade: B

Brooke Harb #5 (Cushing Academy, F, 2025) : Brooke was a better player each time we saw her play. She handles the puck well and possesses it strongly to make a play towards the net. She is a smaller player but she moves well and moves the puck with pace and accuracy to her teammates. Grade: B

Gabbi Oakes #28 (Cushing Academy, F, 2025) : Gabbi is a taller girl who prides herself on strong shifts and effort. She has a great work ethic and makes sure she is supporting the puck and play at all times. Her forechecks are also strong and she makes sure there is pressure on the defense when she is out there. Grade: B-


Annie Dinges #27 (Deerfield Academy, F, 2024, Harvard) : Annie is a taller forward who uses her body to cut to the net and really bully herself into the middle of the ice for scoring chances. She is a good skater matched with good hands that allow her to dominate up and down the ice. She also has a good shot and has potential to put up some solid numbers at the next level. Grade: A 

Peyton Wierl #18 (Deerfield Academy, F, 2025) : Peyton is a very solid powerplay player and has all the qualities for it. She handles the puck well and her poise and passing ability allow her to set up great plays to increase her teams scoring opportunities. She is also strong in battles and really wants the puck on her stick. Grade: B+

Keira Austen #17 (Deerfield Academy, D/F, 2026) : Keira has good strong edges that help her move around the ice and find the best possible passing and shot lanes. She puts quick shots on net and handles the puck well to find good passes to her teammates. Grade: B+ 

Olivia Austen #7 (Deerfield Academy, F, 2027) : Olivia is good with the puck on her stick and skates well which makes her a good option to carry the puck into the zone. She really amped up her game the closer the game came to an end which shows us she is a real gamer. She also utilized good passes and managed the puck well. Grade: B+

Ava Giroux #19 (Deerfield Academy, F, 2026) : Ava has a strong stride that allows her to forecheck hard and bring good pressure down deep.When she gains possession, she handles the puck well and can move the puck around the offensive zone well to pull defenders out of position. Grade: B

Allie Corrieri #11 (Deerfield Academy, D, 2026) : Dominated play at times when controlling the puck. Skilled at stretch passes to create fast breaks. Prefers to pass and create vs dump and chase. High IQ.Likes to hold the line in reverse thru the NZ to force opponents to make decisions early. Grade: B

Gillian Herr #8 (Deerfield Academy, D, 2027) : Good at controlling the puck and seeing the whole ice. Dominated play at times. Played center most shifts and was effective in the dot. Creative with a puck on her stick and noticeably soft hands. Anticipates well. Moves fast with the puck vertically to create opps. Grade: B

Taylor Wilburn #13 (Deerfield Academy, D, 2027) : Creative, skilled and fast. Worked play up ice with the puck nicely, showing poise and creativity. Consistent in her 3 zone play as she is dependable to do the right thing. Likes to gain the blue line offensively with the puck, then make her smart plays. Grade: B


Alaina Dunn #14 (Dexter Southfield School, D, 2025, Boston College) : Alaina is a good defender who is so consistent with her game. She keeps her head up always looking for the right pass up ice. Her passes in the neutral zone were smart and made so that her forwards had a clean lane up ice to make a strong zone entry. She handles pressure on her well to spin away from forecheckers and stay engaged with getting the puck up ice well instead of getting rid of it. Grade: A-

Marion Legge #4 (Dexter Southfield School, F, 2025) : Marion is a great player who is fun to watch and very reliable for her team. She is the type of player you want to play with. She works so hard on every shift and is extremely hungry for pucks. She is average size but will take on anyone one on one along the boards even using her body to separate the opposition from the puck. Her hands are good to utilize open areas of the ice to make good tape to tape passes to teammates. She also backchecks and picks up the trailer which is often forgotten about. Grade: A-

Maggie Lovering #11 (Dexter Southfield School, F, 2027) : Maggie is a freshman who did not play like one. She is smooth with the puck matched with good skating to make her a real threat streaking up the ice. She can take the puck down deep and possess it well to make a good play to teammates. Also as a center she did well at the face off dot and did well with supporting the puck and taking care of the middle of the ice. Grade: B+

Mackenzie Sutherland #15 (Dexter Southfield School, D, 2026) : MacKenzie is a good defender who looked so comfortable with the prep game. She has quick feet that allow her to rush up ice if needed with the puck. She also always had her head up looking for a good tape to tape pass to her teammates. Grade: B+

Leah Hafer #24 (Dexter Southfield School, F, 2028) : Leah is a young player who has such a high IQ that lets her fit right into the prep hockey action. She truly reads the game well to support pucks and make sure there are layers of defenders the opposition needs to get through to get up ice. She uses her body to separate bodies from pucks and puts herself in the right areas. When she is on the scoring attack, pucks seem to come to her and she gets good chances on net for her team. Grade: B+

Elizabeth Allen #10 (Dexter Southfield School, F, 2026) is a taller forward who likes to help along the boards and find open ice north to south. She uses her body to separate the puck from the opposition and when she is around the net she can bury home goals for her team. She handles the puck well and likes to put volume on the goaltender to really test them. She also can find the open player and help develop shots from multiple spots on the ice. Grade: B+

Annabelle Aitken #30 (Dexter Southfield School, G, 2027) : Annabelle is a smaller and younger goalie but she is clutch as they come. Every game we have seen her she sees plenty of shots and she is up for the task. She moves well and covers a good amount of the net by making herself big. She also leaves little rebounds and keeps her team in games. Grade: B+

Alex Mitsakis #8 (Dexter Southfield School, F, 2026) : Alex is a high motor and work ethic player who brings it shift after shift. She hustles hard to pressure D into making a rushed shot or rushed pass which can cause turnovers. She handles the puck well too and can get shots on net that cause rebounds and scoring chances. Grade: B

Maddie Murphy #2 (Dexter Southfield School, D, 2026, Boston College) : Madelyn is smooth with the puck who is confident in her abilities. She assists in exiting the zone by rushing it up ice and she will make the smart play often by dumping it in and chasing instead of walking into a double team. She puts pucks in low danger areas and rarely will force pucks into traffic. Grade: B


Christina Scalese #23 (Groton, F, 2026) : Christina is a super skilled, hard working forward who has to be considered for one of the top players in prep hockey. She may be a smaller forward on the ice but she effectively uses her body to shield pucks and separate the puck along the boards to win possession of the puck. Her speed matched with her hands is a pain to cover and her quick edges always make her a threat towards the slot. She also forechecks hard and will be a great addition to a D1 team in the future. Grade: A

Keira Ley #18 (Groton, D, 2024, Harvard) : Keira is a taller defender who has a hard and accurate point shot. Her reach is something you cannot teach and she effectively uses it to keep the opposing around the perimeter of the ice. She is also not shy to rush the puck up ice at a strong pace and advance the puck into the attacking zone. Grade: B+

Hazel Hughes #26 (Groton, F, 2025) : Hazel is a good positional player who knows where to be at all times. She cycles the puck well and goes to the net when she has to create traffic. Along the boards she is physical and battles hard to keep her team on the attack. Grade: B+

Ella Nannene #4 (Groton, F, 2025) : Ella is a high motor forward who always seems to be engaged in the play. She is always moving to make herself an outlet to pass to. When she has the puck, she handles it well and showed us her nice shot. Her hands are also good and can shoot out of a toe drag to better find a shot lane. Grade: B+

Maddie Cronan #22 (Groton, F, 2025, Colgate) : Maddie is a very solid player who possesses the puck well and uses her body to shield pucks from defenders when she is moving around the ice. She is good at getting open and moves on and off the puck very well with a nice balanced stride. She also moves the puck well and is a great option to have on the half wall during a power play. Grade: B+ 

Jamie Noonan #19 (Groton, F/D, 2026) : Jamie is a good skating forward who is equally as good with the puck on her stick. Her edges and hands allow her to shield away from pressure and cut out of the coverage to find open ice. She also has an act of getting open and making herself a good passing option. Grade: B+

Hill School 

Sarah Anthony #14 (The Hill School, F, 2024, Middlebury) : Sarah is very good on the powerplay and we noticed that almost immediately. She is good with the puck and can possess it well to find the best pass over to a teammate. She will stick around the front of the net to get a good netfront that will allow her teammates better chances on net to screen the goalie. She also helps defensively by backchecking and breaking up rush opportunities. Grade: A- 

Charlie Rauch #8 (The Hill School, F, 2024, UNH) : Charlie is a player that has put up big numbers this year and we know exactly why after seeing her. She is very confident and deadly with the puck. She quickly gets to shooting areas and can get her shots off quickly before the defense can react. She has great skill with the puck and will try to maneuver around defenders showing confidence which is good to have. She wants the puck on her stick and skates very well with it to get her team into scoring areas to make chances. Grade: A-

Ashley O’Hara #21 (The Hill School, F, 2024) : Ashley is a good skater who handles the puck well and takes the puck up ice smoothly. She can possess the puck for a good time and create offense with her playmaking. Defensively she helps around the crease and will help dump pucks out of trouble. Grade: B+

Jocelyn Means #15 (The Hill School, D, 2025) : Jocelyn is a good defensive defenseman who was beyond solid on her one on ones. She can break up plays even when there is high momentum for the other team. When she has the puck she handles the puck well and has good feet to where she can rush the puck up ice and get it into a low danger area. Grade: B+

Avery Cohen #22 (The Hill School, D, 2026) : Avery is a pretty good skater who has a heavy shot that is accurate and on the net. She plays hard and uses her teammates which is good because she passes the puck well to up the pace of the teams play. Grade: B


Alyssa Barbossa #8 (Holderness School, F, 2024) : Long strides, fast, well balanced skater who possesses a high IQ. Strong on stick yet showed soft hands. Passes well. Anticipated well in all 3 zones. Especially good in D zone coverage. Makes good, quick decisions with the puck. Strong along the wall and likes to mix it up. Grade: B+

Mia Gonsalves #30 (Holderness School, G, 2025) : Tracks pucks w/out distractions. Focused. Agile, quick side to side and up and down. High IQ goalie. Knows when to get a stoppage and when not to. Relies more on quickness than size. Fine glove. closes 5 hole quickly. Laterally quick post to post. Grade: B+ 

Caitlin Slider #9 (Holderness School, D, 2024) : Responsible, dependable defenseman. Plays both PP and PK. Has a high IQ and her coach has a lot of confidence in her game as she logs a ton of ice time. Very well positioned in all 3 zones.Head up puck carrier who is creative and decisive. Plays against the opposition’s top line and shuts them down. Very good in reverse. Good transitional footwork. Keeps Proper pace and gaps.Tough in blue paint and clears the front of her net with grit. Grade: B+

Ashley Bergeron #14 (Holderness School, F, 2025) : Strong skating center who plays a 200′ game. Good edges, forchecks hard at F1. Poised w puck showed soft hands. Dependable in all 3 zones. Creative with the puck to dish at the right moment. Grade: B-

Caleigh Weig #5 (Holderness School, D) : Stay at home defender who often covered for out of position teammates. Smart with the puck. Headmans with purpose and follow play up ice quickly. Does not turn the puck over easily. Well balanced skater with good transitory footwork but will need to get faster, quicker to loose pucks to advance her game. Grade: C+


Lea Glosikova #14 (Hoosac, F) : A strong skater that has good agility at top speed. She carries the puck very well and can maintain possession in traffic. She competes well in all zones and is able to help her D start the breakout with her work down low in the D zone. Grade: B

Nina Hudakova #24 (Hoosac, F) : She has a long powerful stride with excellent balance. She has good size and strength which helps her protect the puck in traffic. She is a determined back checker and has a strong compete level. She has a quick release and a strong shot. Grade: B

Kimball Union 

reese Combe #3 (Kimball Union Academy, D, 2025) : Reese is a good skating defender who can spin away and evade pressure on her to get the puck up ice. She is not afraid to rush the puck up which works well due to how well she handles the puck and can quickly pick up speed. We can see her helping offensively for sure as well. Grade: B+

Summer Combe #17 (Kimball Union Academy, F, 2024) : Summer is a good north to south player who has good speed through the middle of the ice. She can take it all the way down the ice and get shots on or dump the puck off to a teammate with a good accurate pass. She works hard and battles for pucks and wants the play down in the attacking zone. Grade: B

Ainsley Lonczak #15 (Kimball Union Academy, F, 2024) : Ainsley is a hustler who does the little things and does them at 100%. She handles the puck well and can find her linemates for good passes to continue up ice. She forechecks hard too and really pressures the opposing D into making a mistake. Grade: B

Ali Sprissler #13 (Kimball Union Academy, D) : Ali is a defender who is a good puck mover. She breaks the puck out very well and can do it by passing or using her legs to move play up ice. She has a pretty good shot that can get on net but her skating is where she thrives. Grade: B 

Lawrence Academy 

Olivia Doucette #30 (Lawrence Academy, G) : Very agile and quick goalie. Plays an aggressive style. Post to post she is strong. Seals tight for wraps. Will not give up rebounds and deflects puck to non threat areas easily. Smart in her puck handling. Grade: B+

Nuala Gibbs #9 (Lawrence Academy, F, 2026) : Very skilled forward whose coach converted to defenseman to fill the defensive void in the line-up. Strong skating stride w good balance. Got stronger since last year and is noticeable. Plays a more physical style now and has developed leadership quality. Logs a ton of ice on special teams, both PK and PP. High IQ player with high upside. Grade: B+

Ava Glab #18 (Lawrence Academy, F, 2025) : Hard working defenseman who is strong in all 3 zones. Stout on D. Works hard to gain leverage positioning. High IQ player in all 3 zones. Follows play up ice quickly and is aggressive in her pinching down. Has a well rounded game. Grade: B

Geena Cookinham #5 (Lawrence Academy, F, 2024) : Leader on the ice as displayed via body language and vocally. Relentless at F1 and has a rugged demeanor on the ice. Physical player who thrives along the boards and wins 50/50s with smarts. Grade: B-

Callan Stewart #13 (Lawrence Academy, F) : Speedy, balanced skater. Works hard in all 3 zones. Quick feet gives her an edge in getting to pucks. Displayed good hands and a strong stick to battle for pucks. Responsible in coverage. Grade: B-

Loomis Chaffee

Annie Schwarz #26 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2026) : Annie plays at a very high pace and wants to play fast. Her cycles are strong and can draw defenders out of position. She has quick hands and possesses the puck very well up and down the ice. She is a smart player as well that puts pucks in open areas and gives her teammates chances with the puck to que up scoring chances. Grade: A 

Megan Hosman #5 (Loomis Chaffee School, D, 2026) : Plays a prominent role on both special teams where her ability to shoot the puck makes her effective to clear the puck on the PK and perform the one-timer from her off-side on the PP.  More often than not her shot gets through to the goal. She snaps her passes and her skating makes her a strong defender. Grade: A-

Brooke Murphy #21 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2027) : Brooke is a speedy player that keeps her feet moving at all times to make herself available for passes from her teammates. She is a good skater who is balanced and hard to knock off balance. Her ability to get open allows her to get some real solid scoring chances and give her team a great look at victory. Grade: A- 

Lindsay Stepnowski #29 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2026) : Lindsay is a strong forward who has an act of going to the net which works well with how loomis likes to play. She is a good skater who handles the puck well to create good possession with the puck. She also forechecks hard and positionally allows seems to be in the right place to break a play up or have the puck come to her. Grade: A- 

Ellie Lachance #11 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2025) : Ellie is a great two way forward. She does not skimp in the defensive zone. She is good on the penalty kill and likes to smother the puck carrier from making any play. She plays hard on the forecheck and backcheck and along the boards she battles and plays with good grit and grime to free up pucks and win possession of the puck for her team. Grade: A- 

Catie Collins #19 (Loomis Chaffee School, D, Princeton) : A strong skater with excellent edge work. She is elusive with the puck and protects the puck well in traffic. She reads the play and anticipates well. Her skills make her a strong option for both special teams. Grade: B

Grace Morin #10 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2025, Brown) : An excellent skater with very good edge work. A strong all-around player that protects the puck well, plays a strong D-zone game down low with her D and can score. Her head is up all the time and she leads on the ice. Grade: B

Isabella Zolezzi #27 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2026) : Bella has exceptional edge work and a strong skating stride. She pursues very well on the backcheck. Her speed and heads up play allows her to lead the rush and make smart plays. She showed her IQ while on the Pk with her recognition of the rotation and communication. Grade: B

Easton Pramuka #20 (Loomis Chaffee School, F, 2026) : A strong skater that changes direction on a dime. She has excellent offensive instincts and performs the give-and-go effectively in all zones. She has a strong shot and can perform a one-timer in her arsenal. Her motor runs as fast on defense as it does on offense. Grade: B

Emma Hannah #15 (Loomis Chaffee School, D, 2024, Middlebury) A cerebral player with a high hockey IQ. She plays a patient game and seldom chases the play. Her skating allows her to keep a tight gap and she is smart on the PK. Grade: B


Janie Martin #17 (Middlesex, F, 2026) : Janie is a strong and aggressive forward who moves around the ice well. She is good with the puck and looks confident when she enters the offensive zone. Along the boards she plays tough and is eager to win puck battles. She also uses her teammates well and will move the puck around to open up the ice. Grade: B

Isla Ferrari #14 (Middlesex, D) : Fleet of foot, strong skating D. Transitional footwork is very good and well balanced. Always looking for coverage opportunities in her D zone. Responsible in coverage and wants to headman quickly to alleviate pressure and move the puck up ice. Smart and responsible in all 3 zones. Uses boards nicely in the NZ and passes crisp and accurate. Smart and poised with the puck. Keeps her shot low and on net. Dump ins are thought out and well placed relative to the situation. Grade: B

Vivienne Milosavljevic-Cook #30 (Middlesex, D, 2025) : Tracks the puck well and constantly moves to better angles. Holds her glove high and is quite agile. Makes an effort to keep her 5 hole closed and get up quickly to her feet. Blocker control is nice and has an active stick to play pucks. Very vocal. Very good gloves. Grade: B 

Lily McTeague #5 (Middlesex, F, 2025) : Lily is a good puck possessor who shined brightest when she was in the offensive zone. We liked how she handles the puck and picks her head up to move the puck around to the open player. She keeps pace high and draws defenses out of position. Grade: B-

Luisa Ferrari #18 (Middlesex, D) : Luisa is not afraid to use her legs to exit the defensive zone. She rushes up ice well which is amplified by her vision of the ice and to know when to take free ice. She likes to move the puck as well and is a solid playmaker who gives good accurate passes to her teammates. Grade: B-

Maggie Miller #8 (Middlesex, D, 2024) : Hard-working, responsible leader wearing the “C” for her team. Smart with the puck. Makes good decisions and will not turn over the puck easily. Responsible in all 3 zones. Knows proper angles of attack to gain leverage position. Plays a lot as her coach has confidence in her. Grade: B- 

Merritt Fitch #10 (Middlesex, F) : Rugged, hardworking center. Good in the faceoff dot. Good skater, nice stride and good edges. Plays well positioned in all 3 ones. Aware of her surroundings. Strong game along the wall and showed toughness in the blue paint. Grade: C+


Jaicee Downs #18 (Millbrook School, D, 2026) : Taller, sturdy defender. Moves swiftly and skates very well. Good balance and proprioception. Rugged player who plays with confidence. Very good puck handling skills. Likes to play physical and won most 50/50 battles. Likes to battle along the wall and in front of her goalie. Good at gaining best leverage on opponents in front of her goal. Grade: B+

Shaye Jasiel #15 (Millbrook School, D, 2024, Oswego) : On ice presence is apparent as her size and skill are very good. Sees the ice well both w and w/out the puck. With the puck she is decisive and smart. Won’t turn the puck over. D zone coverage is sticky and creates turnovers consistently. Head mans the puck to push pace. Grade: B 

Milton Academy 

Emily Counihan #19 (Milton, F, 2024) : Emily is a poised defender who will take chances up ice if she sees a skating lane. She is smart to choose when she goes up ice and will let lanes develop in case there’s a chance she can dump the puck off to a teammate. She likes to get involved in the offense by moving around the offensive zone and when she has the puck, she has smart passes and can drive the offense. Grade: B+

Maddie Bonavita #3 (Milton Academy, F, 2025) : Tall, skilled and strong on her skates are noticeable. Plays a 200′ game and is effective in all 3 zones. High IQ player. Disciplined at F2 and can be relentless at F1. Handles puck very well. Accurate passes who is creative. Smart in her decisions and won’t easily turn the puck over. D zone she is very good. Grade: B+

Mckenna Ruland #15 (Milton, D) : Highly skilled, strong skating, lean body type. Very high IQ. Positionally sound in the D zone and plays very fluid. Impressive puck handling skills. Crafty, creative w/ the puck is her game. Complete player in all 3 zones. D zone coverage is sticky. In reverse she has very good eye discipline and keeps her gaps correct. Transitional footwork is excellent. Grade: B+ 

Kylie Lick #18 (Milton, F, 2024) : Height, length and strength stand out immediately for this hard working winger. Strong skating stride, good balance and slick edges make her tough to play against. Plays a tough game and likes the blue paint to make life hard on opposing D. F1 and F2 she is smart and quick to her assignment. Has confidence in her ability to use her size and skating for her advantage. Hard shot. Looks for rebounds. Grade: B+ 

Susannah Ward #16 (Milton Academy, D, 2025) : Susannah is a defender who is not afraid to jump into the rush and take the puck up ice. She skates well with the puck and can accelerate into open ice. She is quick with the puck and gets her shots off fast to avoid being blocked. She is not selfish either and will dish the puck off to create strong offensive chances. Grade: B

Julia Guden #6 (Milton, F, 2025) : Julia works hard and hustles all around the ice. Her forechecks are effective and active to create good pressure against the opposing defense. With the puck, she skates with speed and can help develop offense by gaining strong possession and zone time for Milton. Grade: B

New Hampton

True Thompson #9 (New Hampton School, D, 2025, UConn) : A dynamic offensively gifted defender that plays in all situations.  Can rush the puck effectively and has a strong point shot. Sees and reads the play exceptionally well and makes good decisions. She is defensively sound and recognizes not to chase any mistakes and recovers well to the middle of the ice to defend. Grade: B+ 

Kennedy Walker #22 (New Hampton School, F, 2025, Yale) : Taller, strong, physical player. Has good vision to see developing play both w puck and w/out. Skates well and strides are strong but need to lengthen to be faster. Wins 50/50 battles w strength and strong stick.Likes the blue paint on the OZone and is strong in front of the net. Screens well. PK and PP player. Grade: B+

Kayleigh Michaud-Nolan #8 (New Hampton School, F) : Kayleigh is a smart and shifty player that can play with finesse as well as grit. When she has the puck she can skate with it well and utilize smart chips to get around the opposing defense. She is a threat to pass and set up her teammates and even off the puck, she battles hard and is hungry to win possession for her team. Grade: B+

Reese Luber #6 (New Hampton School, D, 2025) : Strong defender that uses her skating ability to keep the opposition to the outside. She plays in all situations and is very effective on the PP. She has an effective shot from the point on the PP.  Her vision allows her to make good decisions with the puck. Grade: B+

Abby Tattersall #4 (New Hampton School, D, 2024) : We liked her game a lot. Sees the whole ice and carries the puck effortlessly with head up style. Plays smart. Likes an offensive style, wants the puck and likes to shoot to score. Moves quickly from A to B. Smooth skating in reverse, good crossovers, edges and pivots well. Carries the puck with confidence. Boxes out well in blue paint. Tough in front of the net. Grade: B+

Isabelle Prentiss #5 (New Hampton School, D, 2024) : High IQ defenseman who is smart with the puck and dependable to make smart plays. Rarely out of position in all 3 zones. Handles puck with confidence and poise, even under pressure. Nice D to D passer with soft hands. Strong shot. Gets it on target. Grade: B+

Julia Loughlin #13 (New Hampton School, F, 2024) : Energy player with quick feet and good top end. On the smaller side but plays bigger. Responsible at F1 and F2. Positionally sound and plays a nice 200′ game. Grade: B

Caroline Thomas #28 (New Hampton School, F, 2023) : Stands out as a fast, hard working winger with plenty of upside to her game. Skating is strong and balanced. Gets to loose pucks with tenacity and determination. Plays her coaches system well and is strong at F1 and F2. Responsible defensively. Prototypical winger. Grade: B


Olivia Maffeo #7 (Noble and Greenough School, D, 2024, Boston College) : Olivia is one of the most explosive and dynamic players in prep hockey. Her edges are very good and she can escape away from pressure with ease and take the puck up ice. She walks the line well and can really find good quality shot lanes to up her team’s offensive pressure. We know she can finish and her ability to move the puck will translate well at BC next season. Grade: A+

Sophia Levering #17 (Noble and Greenough School, D, 2024, Yale) : Sophia is a tall and talented defender. She plays with and above the pace of play well which shows us she is ready to make the jump to D1. She moves the puck safely to low risk spots on the ice and has good feet to really stick to any shooting threat and make sure her goalie sees the least amount of shots as possible. Grade: A

Anya Zupkofska #35 (Noble and Greenough School, G, 2024, Brown) : Anya is a very solid goaltender who has been doing well for a long time. This Brown commit may not see a lot of chances at times but she continues to stay focused and square to pucks and give her team a great chance at victory. Grade: A

Rachel Zhao #9 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2026) : Rachel is a power forward type player that is strong along the boards and can really win her battles. She is also slippery in the fact that we see her break away quite often and get good chances one on one with the goaltender. We know she has a scoring touch and she can also move the puck well to her teammates to create good zone time. Grade: A-

Alexa Georgantas #22 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2028) : Alexa is a smaller player but plays confident and big. She is very speedy and her high motor allows her to almost bounce around the ice and aid in any board battles for the puck. She will get herself into a battle and help break up a scrum and get her team back on the scoring threat. Grade: B+

Molly MacCurtain #19 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2025, Northeastern) : Excellent skater. Fast, agile with good edges. Controlled under pressure. Very smooth and balanced skater, effortless. Deceptive with the puck and makes very smart choices. Very high IQ. Quick release shot, accurate. Grade: B+

Catherine McCool #23 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2028) : Tall, long and skates with long, powerful strides. Long limbs give her a reach advantage which she uses wisely. Very good hands. Passes excellent. Protects the puck well when she has it to maintain puck control. High IQ. Plays her coach’s system well. Positionally sound and thinks responsibility first.. Skates hard up and down her wing. Saw plenty of ice for a younger (2009 BYear) player and has a bright future if she continues to work hard to get better. Grade: B

Calleigh Brown #10 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2025) : High IQ player who skates well. Excellent edges and excellent transitional footwork at any speed. Can play a high tempo game or can grind it out along the wall and in the corners. Plays a finesse game and can be physical at point of attack on a 1 on 1 or 50/50 battle. Grade: B

Ashley Loeber #15 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2026) : Speedy, high energy player who excelled in PK situations. Smaller big plays big. Quick to pucks and plays determined. Puck hound at F1. F2 she is effective at positioning and spatial awareness. Crafty with the puck and makes smart decisions in all 3 zones. Disciplined in coverage. Grade: B

Gretta Hulbig #5 (Noble and Greenough School, F, 2026) : Excellent skater w good top end speed and very good edges. Anticipates well and positional sound in all 3 zones. High IQ player who plays a 200′ game. Played PK and was effective. Very good work ethic. Grade: B

Phillips Exeter 

Maria Gray #6 (Phillips Exeter Academy, F, 2026) : Maria is a talented forward who stands out in a good way. She is a taller player who moves very well with pace and speed with and without the puck. She matches that with good quick hands that allow her to further her possession with the puck and make good moves towards the net. She can also score and has a lethal shot that we saw can go in from all over the offensive zone. Grade: A-

Samantha Crowley #10 (Phillips Exeter Academy, D, 2027) : Samantha is a speedy smaller defender who plays big. She is good at both ends of the ice. She handles the puck well and can walk the line to find shooting and passing lanes. She can move the puck up ice well and makes smart passes to teammates that drive plays into the offensive zone. Grade: B+

Paisley Meyer #34 (Phillips Exeter Academy, D, 2027) : Paisley is a good skating forward who has her head up and wants to play make. She is poised with the puck which helps her make great passes that keep plays and possession alive for her team. She handles the puck well and matched with her skating, she can smoothly get up ice and create offense inside the offensive zone. Grade: B

Soleil Jamani #8 (Phillips Exeter Academy, F, 2025) : Jamani is a high motor and high work ethic player. Each shift she puts her absolute all into it. She skates well too which adds to her effective forechecks and backchecks. Her board play needs to be strong with how she plays the game and she definitely obliges. Defensively she is good as a penalty killer and offensively her shot is hard and accurate on net to cause scoring chances. Grade: B+

Erin Sears #19 (Phillips Exeter Academy, F, 2027) : Erin is a taller player that uses her size to battle hard and keep players along the boards out of harm’s way. She works hard on each shift and utilizes her reach by giving the opposition the least amount of space possibly to make plays. Grade: B

Lauren Xu #16 (Phillips Exeter Academy, F, 2026) : Lauren is a hard working player who does good work in battles and along the boards. More often than not she can free up pucks and win possession for her team. When she has the puck she likes to get shots on net and create offense that way. Grade: B


Maeve Molloy #10 (Pomfret School, F, 2026) : Maeve is a smooth skating forward who can carry the puck up ice well and take on the other teams D one on one. She likes to get shots on and really test the opposing goaltender. Grade: B 

Ivy Dowdle #20 (Pomfret School, F, 2024) : Ivy is a good puck moving defender who makes crisp and accurate passes up ice to start the offensive transition. She likes to look for circling forwards and hit her forwards in stride. Grade: B 

Avery Valente #1 (Pomfret School, G, 2024) : Avery is a solid goaltender who keeps her team in games with her solid positioning and good athleticism in the crease. She smothers shots from distance and really gets square on each shot coming at her. Grade: B 

Alex Lee #4 (Pomfret School, D, 2027) : Alex is a quick skating defender who uses her feet to find shot lanes. She has a hard shot and her ability to walk the line gives her a strong chance at finding the net from the point. Grade: B  

Portsmouth Abbey 

Jayden Elias #30 (Portsmouth Abbey School, G, 2026) : Very quick, agile goaltender with a very good glove. Handles puck very well and is smart in her game management skills. Strong post to post and explodes to get across to seal tight. Very engaged and vocal warning her D of pressure. Rebound magnet. Easily directs threats to corners w body control. Grade: B+

Anna Hutton #27 (Portsmouth Abbey School, D, 2027) : Puck control, puck possession defenseman. Plays a smart game in all 3 zones of play. Moves well up ice w puck and headmans to speed up the pressure. Keeps herself in the best position in the O zone to be available for a pass or shot. Very good mix of offensive skill and defensive responsibility. Grade: B+

Abigail Lawler #8 (Portsmouth Abbey School, F) : Adept at winning 50/50 battles and contends hard each shift. Plays a smart game. Anticipates very well and thinks ahead of the unfolding play. F1 and F2 she is well positioned and plays the coaches system well. Presents her stick to be available continually. With quicker feet she would improve her already strong game. Grade: B

Zoe Rosenberg #24 (Portsmouth Abbey School, F, 2024) : Good center in the faceoff dot. Executed F1 and F2 w smarts and commitment to win puck battles. Makes tough passes look easy. Decent speed with good edges. Plays a tough game considering her lean body type.Played tough D against Groton Schools top line. Sticky in coverage. Grade: B

Laney Harrold #11 (Portsmouth Abbey School, D, 2023) : Smart, stay-at-home defender, who plays tough in front of her net and consistently in her D zone. Makes smart, accurate clearing passes to relieve pressure and plays gaps well in reverse. Good footwork in all directions. Passes w poise and has a higher IQ on the ice. Grade: B-

Megan O’Connor #14 (Portsmouth Abbey School, F) : High IQ center with plenty of upside to her game. Very good in the faceoff dot. Finds the soft areas to move to get open. Skates well and possesses good edge work. F3 she plays poised to pounce. F1 she takes aggressive angles and plays the body first. Rotates nicely in D zone coverage and is sticky in coverage. Grade: B-

Clara Corbin #19 (Portsmouth Abbey School, F, 2026) : Taller, longer gal who displayed a fine shot thru the game. Plays strong along the wall. Smart with the puck she rarely turned the puck over,Plays structured in all 3 zones and plays the coach’s system well as proven by her ice time. Takes correct angles in attack mode. Will gain muck to improve her foot quickness and stride rate turnover. Grade: C+

Alexis Taylor #6 (Portsmouth Abbey School, F, 2027) : Hard working winger who is responsible in all 3 zones. Rarely out of position. Skates relatively well. Balance is good, strides are strong and edges are also very good. Handles puck with patients. Passes accurately but could use some mustard on them at times. Strong on boards. Wins 50/50 battles w smarts and tenacity. Vocal. Scored a nice goal as she moved to the soft area to get open then rifled a lazer past the goalie.Shields the puck nicely from opponents to gain leverage point. Grade: C+

Dakota Ormiston #15 (Portsmouth Abbey School, D, 2024) : Quick and speedy, puck control defenseman who makes smart decisions with the puck.Keeps tight gaps in reverse and does not overcommit on press. Headmans the puck w smarts and is a creative passer. Showed good edges and smooth skating ability. Moves well with the puck. Grade: C


Sally Sweeney #1 (Proctor Academy, G, 2024) : She follows the puck very well and has quick reflexes. She covers the bottom of the net effectively and covers her angles. Her crease depth is exceptional and will challenge the shooter appropriately. She communicates well with her teammates and will direct traffic in her end when her players are under pressure. She entered the game with the score 7-0 and didn’t allow another goal vs Groton. Grade: B+

Mia Beaudette #20 (Proctor Academy, D, 2027) : Mia is a good skater with a strong stride.  She plays with her head up and makes a good first pass on the breakout.  She is able to protect the puck in traffic and competes hard in all situations. Grade: B

Jodie Gratton #18 (Proctor Academy, F, 2023) : Has good speed which she uses to her advantage as the F1 on the forecheck.  She has excellent edge work and will drive the net with the puck.  Her ability to carry the puck and protect it makes her a threat to draw power plays for her team.  Her skill set makes her a good option for the PP. Grade: B

Reagan Martens #15 (Proctor Academy, D, 2025) : A strong defender 1 on 1, Reagan maintains good gap control and is very strong on the puck. She follows the play well and has an excellent hockey IQ. She communicates well with her partner and makes an effective first pass on the breakout. Her skating ability allows her to skate the puck out of trouble when necessary. Grade: B

Bella Simeone #17 (Proctor Academy, F, 2026) : A good skater with a great motor, she is a relentless forechecker. She has a strong hockey IQ and illustrates this with her excellent anticipation skills and her defensive stick positioning. Her high compete level makes her prepared for any 1 on 1 battle. She is able to make plays with the puck in all zones. Plays her off-wing effectively. Grade: B 

Lily Warner #7 (Proctor Academy, D, 2026) : Lily plays a solid and consistent game. She is a smooth skating defender who may be small but is mighty in her passes. She can find the smart pass and put it on there stick for a good rush up ice and she keeps plays alive. Grade: B-


Sophie Rousell #5 (Rivers School, F, 2024) : Sophie is a good skating and quick player. She is explosive coming off the wall and gets to the middle of the ice to create offensive chances. She has good hands and matched with her speed, around the perimeter she is quite deadly. She likes to motor up the ice and off the puck she supports the play and keeps pucks in the attacking zone. Grade: B+

Catherine Butkus #15 (Rivers School, D, 2027) : Catherine handles the puck very well for a defender. She is a smaller defenseman but she plays physical and takes on anyone one on one. Her hands help her make smart passes with the puck and allow her to be a good QB on the power play. She also is always engaged in the play and making an impact on each shift. Grade: B+

Lindsay Morin #26 (Rivers School, F, 2024) : Lindsay is a strong forward who does the little things well. She battles hard for possession, and supports pucks from being easily moved up ice against her team. She is solid on her face offs and defensively makes sure she has her assignment to prevent quality chances. Her shot is also hard and makes the goalie work and generate rebounds. Grade: B+

Simone Burns #12 (Rivers School, F, 2028) : Simone is a hardworking forward who brings it each and every shift. Along the boards she plays the body to separate pucks effectively. Her forechecking is fun to watch and even on her backchecks she picks up the trailer and eliminates easy odd man rushes. Grade: B 

Kyleigh Rabazzi 3 (Rivers School, D, 2026): Kyleigh is a taller defender who moves pretty well around the ice. We like the way she passes and surveys the ice to hit her forwards with tape to tape passes. She is efficient and wants the puck moving up the ice quickly. She is not afraid to jump into the rush and get pucks in deep herself and along the boards she battles hard and can win possession of the puck. Grade: B

Brooke Bartlett #9 (Rivers School, F, 2027) : Brooke is a poised passer who makes good decisions with the puck. She is at her best when she is playing the playmaker role. On the power play she was seeing the ice well, drawing defenders to her and swiftly moving the puck around the O zone. She is also a good skater who can search for the best passing lanes to set up her linemates. Grade: B 

St. Georges 

Zoe Puc #7 (St. George’s School, F, 2024, St. Anselm) : Undressed two defensemen on a NZ turnover rush to score a beauty. Very good puck handling skill; can work in tight and full speed on a line rush. Sees the ice very well and adapts to play as it unfolds. Thinks at D1 level. Strong in all 3 zones. Crafty and creative w good skill. Will need to gain muscle and strength to compete at the nextf level. Grade: B+

Maggie Buffery #12 (St. George’s School, D, 2027) : Noticeably high IQ in all 3 zones. More stay at home and had good top end speed to catch speedy opponents. Plays the line rush well in reverse and keeps proper gaps and forces opponents to make plays before the blue line. Keeps up with play up ice offensively and does not get lazy like a lot of Defensemen. Grade: B+

Maddie Lahah #17 (St. George’s School, F, 2026) : Anticipates the game well and processes the game quickly as play develops. Good skater with strong strides and well balanced with puck on stick. Head up style opens play up when she moves the puck. Long reach, good puck handling in tight. Grade: B

Mae Lial #14 (St. George’s School, D, 2024) : Positionally sound, responsible defenseman in all 3 zones. Maintains good gap control in reverse on the rush. Smart at tempo and angles of defense. Disciplined in coverage and clears opponents from in front of goalie with toughness and smarts. Passes the puck w touch, poise and pace. will take a check to make a play. High on ice IQ. Grade: B

Sophie Procaccini #21 (St. George’s School, F, 2027) : Good skater with good speed and edge work. Deceptively smooth with the puck, Showed high IQ as she consistently made smart decisions moving the puck. Moves to open ice efficiently and quickly to create opps. Headmans the puck quickly and hustles to gain advantage to get open. Smarts in NZ caused several turnovers. Grade: B

St. Marks

Channing Brush #20 (St. Mark’s School, D, 2025) : Defensively sound, good puck handling defenseman with good size , long reach. High IQ in all 3 zones. Stout in front of her goaltender and works to gain best leverage positioning. Passes the puck with confidence and poise. Makes stretch passes easily and connected with her speedy wingers consistently. Nice gaps in reverse. Doesn’t overcommit as she lets the play come to her, then adjusts. Grade: B+

Bridget FitzGerald #2 (St. Mark’s School, D, 2026) : Smooth skating defenseman Balance. smarts and very good edges gives her offensive game much upside. Puck possession defenseman who has a very high IQ. In reverse she has very good gap control. Keeps the stick ready for poke. Headmans with tempo and accuracy. Dependable in D zone as her positioning is strong.  Needs to improve her strength and shot to be next level. Grade: B+

Katie Barrett #18 (St. Mark’s School, F, 2027) : Good skating, well balanced and has a good mix of speed and smarts. Plays a strong 200′ game. Creative passer with a good, hard, accurate shot. F1 and F2 she is fast and disciplined. Pressures the play to make it uncomfortable for the opponent. Grade: B

Meghan MacLean #10 (St. Mark’s School, D, 2025) : High IQ defender who plays a tough, stout style despite her smaller frame. Wins 50/50s with toughness and smarts. Strong stick skills as she broke up several plays w leverage. Clears the blue paint with grit and body positioning. Smart in NZ. Positionally sound in all 3 phases. Grade: B

Hannah Macron #22 (St. Mark’s School, F, 2026) : Sturdy, strong skating winger who at all speeds possesses a high hockey IQ. Hard charging, hustle style makes her tough to play against. Constantly wanted to beat opponents to loose pucks showing a will to compete. Effective at F1 because of her speed and attack angles. Handles puck effortlessly at any speed. Passes with smarts; good luck tempo and can thread it. Good shot that is accurate. Grade: B


Lizzy Greeley #5 (Tabor Academy, F, 2024) : Lizzy is a quick player who also has a strong work ethic. She does the little things well by forechecking for pucks and being hard on pucks which means she is relentless and wants to win her battles. She handles the puck well and we noticed how well she works on the powerplay which is due to her puck possession and strong passes. Grade: B+

Whitney Dacko #19 (Tabor Academy, F, 2024) : Very two way forward who has top level hockey sense. Skates with speed and slick edges. Carries the puck with confidence and has a good concept of the developing play and how to attack it. Poised and smart w her decisions w puck. Makes hard plays look easy because of her high IQ. Plays a solid 200′ game. Unselfish on PP and highly skilled handling the puck. Grade: B+

Adeline Paskowski #16 (Tabor Academy, D, 2023) : Addy keeps improving as her game evolves. Smart player in all phases of the game. Well balanced skater in all directions with top end speed to catch up or lead the rush. Smooth in transition from B to Forward with the puck. Head up stickhandling and high IQ round out her game. Hard, accurate shot from the point and gets it thru traffic.PP player who keeps the play cohesive with her poise. Disciplined in all 3 zones. Keeps proper gaps in reverse and challenges the rush at the blueline. Grade: B+

Kate Sullivan #17 (Tabor Academy, D, 2024, Holy Cross) : Leader on ice as her body language showed confidence as she wears the “C” for her team. Good skater, plays a good 2 way game. She is great on one on ones and also great along the boards. With the puck she makes smart first passes and moves the puck well all over the ice. Grade: B+

Ashley Piersol #20 (Tabor Academy, F, 2026) : Ashley is a taller player who moves pretty well with her size. She has a good reach that aids her forechecking to really press the opposing defenders deep in there own end. She is an aggressive player who also does what she needs to do to win battles and have strong board play. Grade: B

Grace Stirling #21 (Tabor Academy, F, 2025) : Speedy, energy player who has quick first 3 steps. Quick feet with very good edges she is quick to pucks. Strong on skates and closes quickly to 50/50s. Uses leverage effectively in body positioning. When she gets the puck she makes smart decisions where to pass the puck or to head up ice with it, well positioned in all 3 zones. Disciplined at F1 and F2. PK player. Grade: B

Julianna Goffredo #23 (Tabor Academy, F, 2025) : Versatile, high energy center who won a majority of her important draws. Good skater with fast feet. Quick to puck and is determined to win battles. Excellent in all 3 zones. Plays the coach’s system well. F1 and F2 positioning/tempo are both well rounded and strong. Tough and tenacious along the wall. Quick feet w good edge work. Grade: B


Morgan McGathey #4 (Thayer Academy, F, 2025, Harvard) : Morgan is one of the most explosive and dynamic players in prep hockey if not the best. She is a tier above the rest. Her skating is so explosive and her first couple steps are her best to where she can get to top speed quickly and match it with smart skating. What we mean by that is she can beat you out wide or use her slick hands to move to the inside and find open areas of the ice to get shots on goal. Her release is quick and can beat goalies before they notice it’s behind them. Her puck protection is strong and she uses her legs and skating to break through coverage and get herself open ice. As a centerman, her faceoff winning percentage has to be high and she can snap back wins at any given situation which is huge for the team. Truly great player who we see having a bright future. Grade: A+

Kate Sullivan #13 (Thayer Academy, F ) : Kate is good with the puck for a taller player. She uses her size well to shield opponents off from taking the puck from her. This skill allows her to possess the puck longer and use her good puck moving to make good plays to players in dangerous areas. She also moves really well and is a good skater so she can get to high scoring areas and draw opponents out of position. Grade: B+ 

Elizabeth MacDonald #35 (Thayer Academy, G, 2024) : Solid on her feet and fundamentally sound. Tracks pucks w good focus till out of danger. Keeps her glove high and has good catching skill. Blocker saves are easy. Shows an active stick willing to play the puck vs slowing down the game. Understands game management. Very active. Grade: B+

Wren Abboud #15 (Thayer Academy, F, 2025) : Wren is a strong power forward type player who uses her strength to win puck battles and be aggressive on pucks. She handles the puck well on her stick and can make plays to her teammates out of a scrum. She also has good skating and can handle the pace of the game well. Grade: B

Joey Brown #18 (Thayer Academy, D, 2024) : Played a regular shift and both PP and PK. Smart positionally and with the puck. Looks to make the right play and does not force a play. Excellent passer. Can play fast and headsman’s w good decisions. Backwards very smooth, keeps good gaps. Plays with purpose. Grade: B

Abby DeAnzeris #7 (Thayer Academy, D, 2025) : Quick hands, sharp passes and quick feet all stood out quickly. Passes excellent and moves to open ice after. Cross ice passes on target and makes heady decisions. Rarely out of position. Will crash down in O zone to keep plays alive. Deceptively fast. Clean, balanced edges both F and Backwards. Nice gaps and plays the body. Grade: B

Lydia Kealty #10 (Thayer Academy, F, 2028) : Lydia is a young player doing good things at the prep level even though she is an 8th grader. She skates well and handles the puck well which helps her fit in nicely. Her battles along the boards and at loose pucks is also impressive and she is not afraid to get in there and come up with the puck. Grade: B

Mia MacDonald #7 (Thayer Academy, D, 2028) : Mia is an 8th grade defender who they put trust in to play a lot of minutes and special teams. She ran the powerplay which is well deserved for her creativity and dynamic skating. She moves the puck very well for a youngster and is fearless to rush the puck and crash in the offensive zone to make offensive scoring chances. Her puck management will continue to grow and when that improves she will be a top defender in prep. Grade: B


Thea Arsenault #9 (Tilton, F, 2026) : Thea is a good skating forward who is best with the puck on her stick. She likes to get and find the shooting areas of the ice to let off her hard shot on net that definitely has scoring potential. She has good hands that help her find open areas of the ice and we wish if she kept her feet moving more, we think she would create even more chances for herself. Grade: B+

Gabby Cerqua #14 (Tilton, F, 2026) : Gabby is a high motor player who is a good skater and can get to open space to make herself a passing option. When she has the puck she utilizes the toe drag shot that aids in finding a better shooting lane and she has more shots get through that way. She also can motor around the ice with the puck and have strong puck possession. Grade: B 

Ava DeCourcey #4 (Tilton, D, 2026) : Ava is a feisty player who likes to play aggressively along the boards and really feel the emotion of the game. She sticks up for herself and her teammates but stays clean. She moves quickly and skates well with and without the puck. She can also play at a good pace and be a solid contributor for her team. Grade: B 

Shae Gould #18 (Tilton, F, 2026): Shae is a worker. She can be quick at moments and when she has the puck she can get good solid shots on net to contribute offensively. Grade: B 

Vermont Academy 

Abby Mellen #17 (Vermont Academy, F) : Abby is a player who skates well and also handles the puck well. She is good north to south in getting pucks up ice and into the attacking zone. She knows what she wants to do and that’s get shots on and test the opposing goaltender. She is a solid competitor as well. Grade: B


Izabella Zapata #9 (Westminster School, F, 2027) : Bella is small but one of the best skaters in prep hockey. She is so quick and rarely off balanced even after twists and turns to evade pressure and body contact. She is so explosive and makes quick decisions with the puck to advance her team into the attacking zone. She is aggressive on pucks and her good hands allow her to maneuver out of tight spaces. She also surveys the ice well and makes good decisions with the puck. Grade: B+

Talia Ondy #21 (Westminster School, F, 2025) : Talia is a taller forward who moves quite well for her size. She is quick on her feet and likes to attack the middle of the ice to get her shot off. She has good vision to find skating lanes but also find shooting lanes to get a hard wrister on net. Defensively her reach and skating allow her to take away the middle of the ice and she forces the opposition to shoot from the outside. Grade: B+

Alyssa Jimenez #0 (Westminster School, F, 2025) : Alyssa is a high motor player who shines in all 3 zones and plays an effective 200 ft game. She is always keeping her feet moving which helps her stay relevant all over the ice. She also plays aggressive and does a good job along the boards to win possession of the puck. Grade: B

Adrienne Hall #5 (Westminster School, F, 2025) : Has excellent speed and can control the puck in tight areas. Her speed makes her a threat every time she is on the ice. She was able to rise to the occasion and scored an important goal. Grade: B

Alex Whalen #18 (Westminster School, D, 2023) : Alex uses her strong hockey IQ to be an excellent defender.  She has strong gap control and communicates well on the ice. She always performs the shoulder check when going back for the puck and uses the gathered intel to make a strong first pass. Her skill set and her strong board battles make her effective on the PK. Grade: B


Monique Lyons #19 (Williston Northampton School, F, 2024, Brown) : Monique is a smaller forward who is very speedy and dangerous in scoring areas. She put up good numbers this year that’ll give her great confidence going into Brown. She is an elite shooter who can get off her shot in very little areas. Grade: B+

Malaya Anaba #16 (Williston Northampton School, D, 2024) : An excellent skater that uses her strong edge work and puck protection to be elusive with the puck.  She makes a strong first pass and can initiate or complete a neutral zone D-D regroup with great footwork. Her ability to walk the blueline with the puck while getting her shot through to the net makes her an effective PP option. Grade: B+

Nora Curtis #24 (Williston Northampton School, F, 2025, Cornell) : Nora is an exceptional skater that has strong edge work and a powerful stride. She wins most of her face-offs.  She has a high hockey IQ and has poise with the puck in traffic. She is on the taller side and has a long reach which enables her to maintain possession of the puck in the corners. She has an elite release and can score from the top of the circle. Grade: B+

Emily Hamann #10 (Williston Northampton School, F, 2024, Harvard) : Strong left winger with exceptional skating speed and edge work. Her speed gives her separation from defenders which allows her time to make smart plays. She has good puck skills and her teammates benefit from her high hockey IQ.  She’s effective on the forecheck and plays within the system to win the puck back. Grade: B+

Brooke Schlutter #23 (Williston Northampton School, F, 2027) : Brooke has excellent hands and can play her off-wing efficiently. She has a quick first step and is agile on her edges with and without the puck. She is a heads up player that makes good decisions with the puck and uses her teammates very well. She possesses a quick release and can shoot in traffic.  She rolls off defenders and protects the puck off the cycle. Grade: B+

Worcester Academy 

Bella LaRoche #31 (Worcester Academy, G, 2025) : Bella is a solid goaltender. She makes great saves and handles scrums in her crease well to stay engaged and with the play. She moves well side to side and really cuts down angles well so shooters have very little to work with. Grade: B+

Emma Holmes #7 (Worcester Academy, F, 2024) : Emma is a strong player who battles hard along the boards to free up pucks for her team. She has good hands matched with good feet that allow her to move around the ice and find open areas to get shots on net. She also forechecks hard and smart and makes sure the opposing D have to work to clear pucks. Grade: B 

Georgia Macinnis #10 (Worcester Academy, F, 2025) : Georgia is a feisty and skilled player who can play the game with finesse or grit. She has a high motor and you can tell she really brings it in each of her shifts. She battles hard with players and can win pucks and possess it quite well. Grade: B

Hayley McNeal #15 (Worcester Academy, D, 2026) : Hayley is a good defensive defenseman who plays tough against her opponent. She will not make life easy for you and will make you work to get anywhere off the boards. One on one she is solid to not get quality off the rush chances and she can create her own bit of offense by getting hard shots on goal. Grade: B 

Lauren Moran #13 (Worcester Academy, F, 2026) : Lauren is a forward who works well with her teammates. When she has the puck she can handle it well and hold it to make good passes to really amp up the pace of the game. Along the boards and one on one she plays aggressive and works hard on each of her shifts. Grade: B

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